12-lecture Course: Justice, Harvard University (Part I) About the Course: Justice, one of the most famous courses taught at Harvard College, is an introduction to moral and political philosophy, offering an opportunity to discuss contemporary dilemmas and controversies. What you'll learn: • The fundamentals of political philosophy • An understanding of social justice and criminal justice, and the roles they play in the modern justice system • A deeper sense of the philosophy that underlies modern issues such as affirmative action, same sex marriage, and equality • The ability to better articulate and evaluate philosophical arguments and ask philosophical questions About the Professor: Michael Sandel is one of the best known American public intellectuals. The London Observer calls him "one of the most popular teachers in the world" and indeed his lectures at Harvard draw thousands of students eager to discuss big questions of modern political life: bioethics, torture, rights versus responsibilities, the value we put on things. Sandel's class is a primer on thinking through the hard choices we face as citizens. The course has been turned into a public TV series with companion website and book: Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? In his newest book, What Money Can't Buy, he challenges the idea that markets are morally neutral.

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